Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Family Fun

The four cousins all ready to take on Sea World in the matching outfits Grandma insisted they wear. Corny, but cute.
Aren't they cute? Taylor is going through an interesting smile phase - if you know the Friends episodes at all she reminds me of Chandler when he would get his pics taken. It cracks me up. The poor girl is missing so many teeth too.
Hugh Heffner is that you? I had to put this one in because I know it is hard to believe that I come from a skin type like that. He made us look so tan!!!


Sara K. said...

Oh my goodness the girls are SO cute! Can't get over how big the cousins are getting! -S

And Gar-bear, (wink), here's looking at ya! -Vinnie!

Meg said...

Wait...I have to get my sunglasses!!! Oh yeah, that's how white I am!!! But the girls and their matching outfits are fabulous!

Patricia said...

Wow! Does that man live in Arizona? How is that even possible? Matching outfits for girls = so cute!