Our snow fort... did I mention my kids are addicted to eating snow?? I believe it has been added to our food guide pyramid as of late...
Jammies pretty much all day!!!
My snow angel...
Even though the roads were terrible the weather was actually pretty awesome. It was actually not that cold which afforded us the chance to spend most of the afternoon outside rather comfortably! We literally stayed in pj's all morning, and then it was time to hit the snow when it warmed to a balmy 33 outside! We had so much fun building snowmen, snowforts, making snow angels, and white washing each other here and there. Taylor had a school friend come over which was an unexpected treat too! She was a little bummed to have to go back today (if you ask me the weather is way worse today), but who knows what tomorrow may hold. It has been one interesting winter so far so stay tuned!!
Leaving Minnesota
5 years ago
So much fun! I love jammies all day and snow fort building! What could be better? Boy Aubs' hair is getting long too. Hugs from VA! -S
A letter went out for you yesterday...
Yeah for snow days! We're getting our second one today. Not sure what the plan will be, but probably much like yours. Jammies and snow building. They won't know what to do with a full week, huh? Lots of Love from the snowy north!
I wish they had snow days for grown ups..... your girls will have to have fun for us I guess!
That is quite the impressive snow fort. I love to eat snow too.
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