I dropped Aubrey off for her first day of preschool as a 4-year old today! She was pretty excited and happy to go. It is much easier to say good-bye when they are excited to be going. I will have 3 afternoons without them this year. I know it won't take long for that time to fill up (especially as I will work one of the afternoons in Taylor's class), but I am taking it easy on myself today: no working out (ok that one was easy to give up), no cleaning, no grocery shopping, no phone calls. I am just going to sit back and do something I don't let myself do very often - curl up with a good book on a rainy day (Sara you and your obsession with Harry Potter has fired me up to finish the series I am on book 5). It is a perfect day to do that for sure. I have to admit the house is awfully quiet and it will take some getting used to. It seems like only yesterday they were both babies in diapers - where did that time go?
Leaving Minnesota
5 years ago
I agree that it is completely incredible that both girls have gotten to be so grown up. I feel the same way...where did the time go?
I love that she is so excited to go back to school. When I interviewed her this summer it was clear that she loved her friends and really enjoyed being at school. That is so great! I hope Tay is starting to feel the same way!
As far as your day...you earned it! I love that you are taking a break and enjoying a good book. Even better that HP is going to be the book! Shawn's mom just did the same thing! Its so nice that the series is complete...you will not have to be waiting, waiting waiting for the plot to continue....you will just have the next books right at your fingertips!
Thinking of you today! S
Yeah Aubrey!!! Way to go, big girl! Mom, you better keep finding time for yourself and don't feel it up with a bunch of obligations. It's not necessary to be running all day so enjoy the quiet!!!
I'm so happy that Aubrey liked school! She looks so cute and smart and ready to absorb so much more! Good for you for doing something for yourself! You earned it! I know your girls will be very studious and love learning like their mom!
Hugs to you and the girls!
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