Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to the grindstone

This is the face they made when I asked them how they felt about the first day of school.

This is the face they made when I asked them how they felt about their summer.

So stinking tall these days. T. is up to my shoulder and A. is not too far behind her. There will come a day when I believe I will be the runt in the family. T. is almost the same size shoes as me as well.

T. and Charlie who always likes to try and sneak in their backpacks as he misses his girls so much.

Loaded down with 4th grade supplies!

Loaded down with 2nd grade supplies.


Sara K. said...

My, my, my, how our babies grow! They are both so tall!! T looks so much like her daddy in that first picture! I usually see so much of you in her that I was a little surprised. I wish she was coming to my 4th grade class this year, oh the fun we would have together! Hopefully day 3 is going well for them both! Nice to see their sweet smiles!!!

Patricia said...

I love first day of school pictures.

Meg said...

How did they get that old and THAT TALL???? I'm pretty sure T is not far off of me! I do love first day of school pics and they are such beautiful girls!