The Leath Girls attempt a Mary-Kate/ Ashley pose... I said attempt!!!
Happy Birthday Aunt A!!!
September 25th is an important day in our family. Today we celebrate the birth of my sister. We pulled one over on her this last weekend (as she does not like surprises) and I flew down to spend the weekend with her, my parents, and her beautiful family. The Idaho Girls were not happy with me for leaving them behind and spending time with their AZ family without them. None the less, it was so great to spend time with them all - especially my sister. She is the best sister anyone could ask for!! I tell my own two girls this all the time about their sister (typically when they are fighting with each other) - you will have many friends in your life, but you only will ever have one sister. I have come to think of it like this: in life, ultimately you can pick your spouse and your friends, but your siblings were selected for you by God. That is one of the few relationships "set apart" specifically by Him for me so I will try to do my best to honor her for all she means to me. I love you sis! Happy Birthday! I can hardly believe you are 30 years old today. It seems like only yesterday you were trying to keep up with my on that big hill as I pedaled my bike and you rode your little HOT WHEEL (I know you still harbor feelings on this point - tee hee) . Enjoy your day I will be thinking of you all day.
Leaving Minnesota
5 years ago
WOW! First, you tow look so fabulous! Second, can our Mame really be 3-0? Sounds like a fun trip...
A birthday card is in the works...I promise! I am just trying to crawl out of the school hole! -S
I've always wanted a sister. And I can't believe yours is 30. She seemed so much younger when we were 17!
What a faboulous treat for your little sister and you! I feel the same way about my little sis (who turns 30 in two weeks!) I'm glad you had fun! By the on earth did you get so tan??? You look fabulous!
Your pale, 50+ SPF lovin' friend in the rainy, gray Seattle area...
awesome...that is so neat. :) I'm glad you got to go see her on her special day.
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