I would be remiss if I did not talk about another great loss experienced in our family's life. Tim's grandmother (we called her Gg for great grandma) died on May 30, 2008. It was always my prayer when my girls were born that they would know their great grandparents. I found that prayer answered ten fold as I thought about the last years with her, not only did they know her they had a deep lasting relationship with her. She was an amazing great grandmother - always giving them little treats she had set aside for them (her face always lit up when they came in the room), a fantastic grandmother, an adoring wife of 66 years, and hands down the sweetest woman I ever knew. We miss her greatly around here. I knew coming into 2008 that it could very easily be a tough year, but I had no idea that two of the most amazing women in my life would be taken to heaven in th same week. It was unbelievable. We played that song "I can only imagine" at her Memorial, and I can only hope that these two women whom I loved so much are dancing on streets of gold - I look forward to the day when I can see them both again... One of my favorite last memories of Taylor with G.g. was when she crawled up on G.g.'s bed and whispered in her ear, "Have a good life in heaven G.g." I could not have said it better myself. We love you G.g.!
Leaving Minnesota
5 years ago
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of not only Jen but another special woman in your life this year. With every loss no matter how prepared we are, it is one less person to hug, love or find solace in their presence alone. I know, from what I have read of your comments from Jen's blog and reading your blog, you are woman of faith and have such a wonderful support group around you, in your beautiful girls and your husband.
God has truly blessed you. Your words at the funeral were so precious and did our beautiful friend so much justice. May God give you peace in this trying time in your life and know that your family is in my prayers. A little note, in memory of Jen I'll be checking your blog, if that's okay. Any additional person to light up the path of God in our lives is always welcomed! God bless you and your family, Hilary Howard
Thank you for this beautiful post. Gg was an amazing woman. She brightened the way of everyone's path that she ever crossed. I am thankful to have know her and her amazing sweetness! -S
And I also really appreciate the beautiful pictures of her when she was young!
I can't imagine how tough this past week has been for you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
What a difficult week. May you rest a bit easier knowing that these two amazing women in your life are together ... in the most beautiful place they can be. Heaven. Grandparents and great grandparents hold a special place in our hearts. Their life experiences, patience, fortitude, and kindness seem to serve as moral compasses. They help us make sure we don't get caught up in the inconsequential things. Sending big hugs your way ... Krisianna
P.S. I watched the documentary last night for the first time in 6 months. It was so powerful. And we had to chuckle at the parts with you because I still recalled all of your intonations and hand gestures. So endearing.
I am so sorry to hear about your G.G. I know she was very dear to you! This must be a difficult time for you and your family, but I know it will only make you stronger. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss you very much!
lots of hugs your way,
April, so sorry to hear about the loss of G.g. I agree, I knew it had the possibility to be a tough year, but this one has been off the charts hard. Guess it makes us long more to be with Jesus, Jenny, and all our loved ones. Prayers are with you and your family! Connie
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