Sunday, November 25, 2007

The First Snow

Aubrey catches a snowflake or two!
Waking up to snow - can't think of a better way to start a day!
Early this last week we were treated to an early snowfall. The flakes were so big and fat. Aubrey could not resist going out to check it out - in pj's and barefoot I will add! Of course, in true Idaho fashion the weather quickly changed and the snow melted away as fast as it appeared.


Sara K. said...

Last week we had a record high on Thanksgiving - 77 degrees. Since then it has grown colder and more windy, but we won't see such wonderful white stuff until at east Jan - well that's my guess. Love the picture of Aubs!

Mangy Moose said...

Soooo Jealous! I can't say that we've had an official snowfall yet. It's been horribly cold and dry. I'm so glad it happened for you guys, though!